“"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best -- " and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called” A.A. Milne

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What's good?

More and more I have been eschewing the news. I listen to some NPR in the morning and a little in the evening but because I do not get a newspaper nor do I have any cable TV I am not as up on things as many of my peers. Partially the reason is I have been busy in my life recently, my daughter is getting married soon and I am in a transitional place myself. As of Sept 1st I will be leaving my job of 12 years. I have 3 rescued Rat Terriers, more on that in later posts, and recently have adopted my grand-dog (Min-Pin), so that makes my household a 4 dog household. Also I have recently delved into a volunteer job that is keeping me super busy. So that is one part of why I have not been focusing on the news of the day.
BUT I also have found that the news is so fraught with negativity, fear, drama, down right meanness. Not to mention the 24 hour news cycle drives me crazy!
Don't worry I will still vote, I still love my country. I just needed a break!

Driving home from walking the dogs the other day my husband and I were listening to a wonderful piece on NPR about the revitalization of Detroit, MI. The piece was so inspiring. I said to my husband, "if there were more news stories like this I would WANT to listen to the news!" That being said I understand that news is not always able to be positive. I know there are bad things happening and bad people doing bad things and those things need to be reported on. The news has it's place.

But I decided for my own sanity to write a blog, a blog of good, that would just give me some peace of mind to look back over when I need it. There has to be good news stories out there right? Good things people do? Good things happening?

What's good? Good can be simple things, big things, little things, complicated things, funny things, newsworthy things.

Here is my blog.